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Sunday 28 September 2008


The thought of relocation has been in the air for awhile now...
Things aren't looking good since they can't really pay as well due to the economy down turn back in the US...

Still, I'd more or less decision to leave SG...

The thought process was simple for me...
It isn't why I should go but more of why should I stay...

I'd realised that there is little or nothing much holding me back in Singapore...
This finding is actually pretty disturbing to me...
Maybe I'm becoming more transnational or just maybe I don't have a life...

Either way, this isn't what I'd planned for myself...
Just wondering where did I made a wrong turn...

Wank Bang...

Went to do some banking at JEC yesterday noon and was rather disturb with what I saw...
Felt really weak while I was driving towards Bt Timah for pool... of coz, I got involved (again) in an accident... which is my fault...

Still i managed to reach Bt Timah and "enjoy" my pool game...

Things are just not turning up well for me...
I'm really tired...